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Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

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Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

The secret to be strong memories ( Rahasia Ingatan Kuat )

Rose is the most popular flowers in the world since it is fragrant, beautiful, and can be found everywhere in the world with many varieties. Because of its outstanding and popularity, it is often called "Queen of Flowers". It deserves to be called Queen of Flowers as it contains a lot of advantages for human in the world. If you are curious about the benefits of rose, here are the list:

  1. The benefits of rose are numerous, but roses are the most proper one to express the feeling of your love. It is a symbol of love. That's way red rose is the most sold out flower when valentine day comes. The sellers also takes a lot of advantages that day. However, that's not all. The colors of them also have different meaning respectively. Red means love and brave. Yellow means joy, freedom, or flexibility. Pink means gratitude and sympathy. White means purity, true love and respect. So, express your feeling of love properly by proper color.

  2. For decoration. There are many things that can be beautified by rose, for example for cake decoration, room decoration, park, hair, etc. For cake decoration, it is very suitable since it is edible and not poisoning, moreover it contains vitamin C. But you should make sure that it is free from any pesticides.
    For decorating room, you should take a look at the room size. If the room is small, you can take the soft color. For the living room, you should arrange them in such a way in order to get a better look from all sides. For the big one, you can give a loud color. The varieties of roses can improve your creativity in arranging.

  3. Rose contains curative agent. It can also be used in combination with other herbs in one efficacious medicinal ingredient. This ingredient has several advantages such as:
    • The fragrance is often used as an aroma therapy that can be a tranquilizer and increasing good mood.

    • Makeup mask from it is very good to balance level of greasy on skin and invigorate dry skin on face.

    • In addition to invigorate dry skin on face, rose also can be used to remove acne. You can dry the rose then grind into powder. Add a little water and mix them well. Finally, apply on your face.

    • Its essential oil that is well-known as attar of rose, is very good for aroma therapy and anti-depression. Its oil is one of the most popular essential oil.

    • A research carried out by Lubec University in Germany, aroma of it is effective to increase brain memory activity when sleeping.

    • Rose also can be used to invigorate blood circulation.

  4. For perfume. Flower is commonly the main source of perfume. The fragrance of rose can create fresh atmosphere and express feminism, romantic, sensual, soft, and increase desire. It is not surprising if it is mostly used as perfume, used for mourning ceremony, for spa therapy, for bride-room, to put fragrance in your tea, etc.

Penelitian baru berhasil mengetahui bagaimana ingatan jangka panjang bisa terbentuk. Peneliti berharap penemuan itu bisa membantu ilmuwan mengembangkan cara perawatan berhubungan dengan ingatan.

Studi itu dilakukan oleh peneliti di Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

"Meskipun sudah diketahui ingatan terbentuk dari pengalaman berulang, tapi tidak banyak yang diketahui bagaimana ingatan terbentuk hanya dengan satu paparan," kata Ashok Hegde Ph.D, ketua penelitian itu.

Ilmuwan sudah tahu orang cenderung mengingat secara tajam peristiwa yang membahagiakan maupun yang sedih karena hubungan emosional. Emosi yang ekstrim akan melepas zat kimia ke otak disebut norepinephrine yang berhubungan dengan adrenaline. Zat norepinephrine ini dalam satu hal membuat ingatan lebih panjang.

Sebagai contoh, orang akan cepat ingat peristiwa serangan teroris. Karena peristiwa itu merupakan tragedi.

Namun studi yang dilakukan oleh Hegde dan koleganya mencari tahu bagaimaan kerja norepinephrine. Tim mencari tahu apakah zat itu membantu tikus betina mengingat bau pasangan jantannya hanya dalam satu kali kawin.

Studi itu mendapati, sirkuit syaraf mengaktifkan olfactory bulb, tempat ingatan bau jantannya disimpan. Peneliti mendapati norepinephrine dilepas saat tikus kawin, mengaktifkan enzim yang disebut Protein Kinase C (PKC) terutama alpha isoform PKC di olfactory bulb. Enzim PKC ada di otak berbagai mamalia termasuk manusia.

"Kenyataan PKC-alpha diaktifkan saat keluarnya norepinephrine adalah penemuan penting. Itu menjelaskan bagaimana terbentuknya ingatan yang kuat,” kata Hegde.

wangi bunga mawar bisa menguatkan ingatan

Dalam hal ini percobaan dilakukan terhadap 74 orang sukarelawan sewaktu bermain memasang-masangkan objek di dalam komputer hingga tuntas.

Saat bermain, sebagian orang menghirup semerbak wangi mawar. Masing-masing kemudian diminta memejamkan mata hingga tidur dengan kepala di dalam tabung MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) . Alat pencitra magnetic ini digunakan untuk mengamati aktivitas otak setiap orang selama tidur. Sepanjang tidur, Born juga memberikan aroma mawar kepada beberapa orang.

Di keesokannya, mereka diuji lagi dengan permainan yang sama. Ternyata pada orang yang saat tertidur mencium wewangian bunga mawar, dapat mengingat posisi pasangan kartu dengan tingkat ketetapan rata-rata hingga 97,2 %. Sedangkan yang tidak mencium aroma mawar dapat mengingat dengan ketepatan hingga 86 %.

Hal ini memberikan bukti bahwa aroma mawar dapat merangsang kerja memori otak bahkan saat seseorang sedang tidur.

Dan penelitian ini terus dikembangkan sampai pada taraf binatang. Pada tiku dan burung kicauan, dimana tikus dapat menemukan jalan keluar labirin dan burung dapat kemampuan baru dalam berkicau.

Hmm.. mawar..mawar.. walaupun dalam tv ente kejam (sinetron mawar dan melati) tp canggih juga ya bs kayak gitu.. beli mawar dan letakin dalam ruangan, akh..

from :

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

clothes for kid ( baju terusan )

ads by herMx
Offers apparel and accessories in sizes newborn to 12, including pants, jackets, dresses, shirts, shoes and school uniforms.

baju terusan yang unik


